Aaron and the Sea | Absolute GruvAby Wolf | AbzorbrAdam Meckler | Adam Ogard | Adrienne O’SheaAida Shahghasemi | Air Credits | Airport Dream | Al Church | All These RunnersAllan KingdomAllegra Oxborough | Allie McIntosh | Allison Russell | Amber Simpson | American Youth | Ana Tuiran | Andriana Lehr | Andy Kettle | Angelenah | Ant | Aphropik | Arms AloftAshley GoldAtmosphere | Attracted To Gods | Audiodrome | Augsburg Fortress | A-Z Tek | Battlefields | BBGUN | Beacon James | Ben Cook-Feltz | Besu Ketete | Big Quarters | Big TroubleBight Club | Bill MikeBirdroom | BK-ONE | Black Coast Crew | Blake Brauer | Blame Someone Else | Blue Yodel #9 | Bluehound Band | Bones and BeekerBoots | Bora YorkBrady LillieBrandon Commodore | Brass Messengers | Brehtn | Brian Boru Irish Pipe BandBrian KeenanBrian LaidlawBrian Miller | Brother Ali | Brutal Becomings | BudoBuffalo MoonBuilding Better BombsBooka BBuildingsBurnsville City Limits | Buss | Callwalker | Cambridge Flats | Casey Cambridge and the Super Group | Cassondra Lea Meyer | Catfish Blue | Cecil OtterCedar Avenue | Celosia | Center For Irish MusicChad JohnsonChad Lee YeChan Poling | Chaplan | Charles Fonta | Charles LazarusCharlie Bruber | Charlie Christensen’s Trio | Chris BartelsChris Raww | Christian Ndekwe | Christopher Asmus | Christopher Campbell | | CitroenClair de LuneClass Of 86 | Cliff Hanger | CloquetCloud Cult | Connie Brown | Corbin (Spooky Black)Cousin Dad | Craig Finn | Crooks & Shanks | Damarez White | Dana ThompsonDani Erin | Daniel Heavens | Danny DiamondDave KingDave King Trucking CompanyDavid FeilyDavis Bain | Dawn of the Head | Deevo | DemographicsDenim Matriarch | Derek Luttrell | DesdamonaDessa | Dialek | Diana Murphy | Digitata | DJ Criminal | DJ K-Salaam | DocuMNtary | Doomtree | Doon Ceili | Dope Walker | E’Stylez | EL.i.BE | El ShareefElle PFElskavonErick Arc Elliot | Eric Nally | Erin RogueErnest Third | Ernie Rhodes | Espada | Ethan YeshayaEvidence | Existent | Eyedea & Abilities | F.Stokes | Fairfax, AKFalcon ArrowFeltFire in the Northern Firs | FKG | Flatbush Zombies | ForestonFPA | Franz Diego | Fred Ones | Frederick O’Neil ThomasFree Will | Gahedindie | Gay Witch AbortionGayngsGeneral B And The WizGhost Mouth | Ghost Ruins | GleanGoing To The SunGolden | Graham O’Brien | Grant CutlerGrayhawk | Grayson | Grizzly Allen | Halcyon WanderHeiruspecsHibah Hassan | High Hopes | Hippo CampusHolidaeHotelecasterHunting ClubI Self Devine | Ice Rod | Immortal Technique | Incommunicato | IndianRaga | InIrie | Industrial Honey | Innocent | J. Hoard | J-Maniac | J TweedJacy PelstringJake One | James Curry | James GundersenJason Marsh BandJessy Greene | Jiel Benson | Jimmy 2 TimesJoe Davis | Joel Bauman | John Hilsen | Johnny Baker | Johnny Harmonica | Johnny Toymaker | Johnny Questionmark | Jon Jones | Jordan Patros | Josh Johnz | Josh Reimnitz | Juliette ReillyJustin BieberJustin LansdowneJustyn Dow | K-NINE |  Kaleidoscope Effect | Kaleo | Kanser | Keenan Willis | Kenny HooplaKev Sez | Kevin McMahon | Keys 4/4 Kids | KID | Kill The VulturesKjos MusicKoo KooL.A. Bukner | Lady Midnight | Lane Shuler | Last WordLazerbeakLea KalsichLeah T | Legacy | Leroy SmokesLia Renee DiorLiam GerardLiterati | Lizzo and The Larva Ink | Lolly Pop | Lone Wolf | | Lookbook | Lopan | Los NativosLovely DarkLupin | Lyrikal | M.anifestMac LethalMacklemore | MaD SoN | Maddie Thies | Mall’d To DeathMallyMandolin PrakashMaria IsaMarianne Dissard | Marijuana DeathsquadsMarina City | Markie D | Marvin Gunn | Mary Nail | Maskarad | Matt MarkaMC LongshotMcNasty Brass BandMegan StarkeyMel Gibson and the PantsMemory Drawings | Men Of Leisure | MF Doom | Michael Lane | MicranotsMike MictlanMike SmooveMikey ErgMikey MargetMinneapolis String ProjectMint ConditionMinus The BearMiriam EricksonMN ZooMoor MotherMr. DibbsMurf | Murmur | MursMusabMystery Palace | Nate Howard | Nate Reinhardt | Nathan Gourley and Laura FeddersenNathan SmoothNathaniel GillenNew Sound UndergroundNick MacNicole SerranoNight Stone | Nikki Taddei | Nima HafeziehNo Coast RapsNomothetic | Nonfic | Nooky Jones | North Noise | North Styrenn | Northern Lights MediaO’Rourke’s Feast | Oddjobs | Off With Their HeadsOh My Love | Oklahoma | Oliver HartOmaur BlissOne GunnOrikal UnoOrso JesenskaOther MoodsPaddy O’BrienPaper Tiger | Passions | Paul Renz | PB and the Jam | Perfume Monster | Pete Whitman | Peter Mulligan | Peter RemigerPhil Darg | Phil LittlePhoPigeon JohnPippi Ardennia | Plain Ole Bill | P.O.S. | Polica | Pogmatone | Portage | Prey For Paralysis | Prof & Rahzwell | Psalm OneQawala | Quay | Racing Moths | Randy Sabien | Rational Funk | Ready Goes | Rebekah AntoineRebekka FisherRebel City RollersReed Grimm | Reina Del Cid | Remo DriveRhythm Street MovementRiesageRigorous Incomplete | Riley Hoffman | RJ VocalRob AsheRob Meany | Rob Pieh | Roger James | Rojaz | Rotten Ron | RubenSadistikSage FrancisSalteeSammie Jean CohenScott Agster | Scottie Miller | Scouts Honor Society | Scramble the Jets | See and Sky | Semi Official Sexy Delicious | Shadow People | Shane CoxShelley Q | Silent Army | Simon Latim | Sims | Sinycal | Sister Species | Skinny | Skoodle Raps | Sleep In GethsemaneSlew |  Smash Hammer | Snoop DoggSoft TargetsSoul PositionSounds Of BlacknessSpeed’s The Name | Spit Suicide | Sprig Of ThatStacey KState Line MotelStep Rockets | Steve KlingamanStory of the Sea | Suela Ray | Sun Gods To Gamma Rays | Sun Of SoundSunnysmack | Sunshine Harrison | SuperchiefSweet PeaTabah | Teague AlexyTech N9ne | Ten Centuries | Terry Eason | Terry Hughes | The BellowsThe Blind ShakeThe Cardinal SinThe Cloak Ox | The Eidith Massey | The Fontanelles | The Gaels | The Gateway District | The Imposters | The Lion KingThe LionessThe Mad Way OutThe ManixThe MatchesThe May North | The Minor Planets | The MuteflutesThe Nocturnists PodcastThe Outside TrackThe Parlour SuiteThe Plastic Constellations | The Red Stripes  | The Secret Handshake | The Slow Death | The Sugar Loaf Gang | The Sweet ColleensThe Thank You Notes | The Turkeltons | The Ultrasounds | The Usual Things | The Western Ridge | They DeadThomas NordlundTickle TortureTimotha LanaeTimothy Graf | Tiny Tim | Todd MentonToki Wright | Tom Hanks | Tommy Martinez | Traditional Methods | Trailer Trash | Traiveon Dunlap | Trama | TRIp | Trout | Turk Ozturk | Twisted LinguisticsTwo Tap TrioTyte JeffUnknown ProphetsUrban Mountain MediaV.H.S.Valory JoyceVanessa Philippe | Vega Knami | Victor ShoresVonnie KyleWarehouse Eyes | Washing Away | We Used To Vacation | Weird Visions Wild Colonial BhoysWillow Waters |Willy PorterWitnessWolf Lords | Wolvhammer | Worth Your While | YG | Yoni | Young Pretenders | Zack Dyer | 5 Mile Chase | 76 Snake Slicers | 89.3 The Current



If you’ve worked on a project here and are not listed, please reach out to Joe and we’ll be happy to add you and your release.